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Monday, November 13, 2017

Viral,Video Pelaku Asusila Tertangkap Warga

Bagaimana Pendapat Anda  Setelah Menonton Video ini   ???

 Video ini Menjadi Viral Ketika Seorang Netizen Meng Upload nya via Facebook, Beragam Tanggapan dari Penonton...

Bagaimana dengan Pendapat Anda  ???

Monday, October 30, 2017



Sesuai dengan Peraturan yang di Tetapkan Oleh KEMKOMINFO, Bahwa Setiap Pemilik Kartu Prabayar di haruskan untuk segera Melakukan  Registrasi Ulang atau Mendaftarkan Ulang Kartu Prabayar.
Hal ini di ungkapkan Oleh Seorang Operator Telkomsel, Bahwa Setiap Pemegang Kartu GSM Prabayar ,Harus Melakukan Registrasi Ulang Kartu agar Kartu Tersebut Bisa di Gunakan atau Tidak di Blokir.
Registrasi Ulang Tersebut diperlukan ,Menurut Kemkominfo bertujuan Untuk Keperluan Statistik dan Sekaligus Untuk Mengantisipasi Marak nya Penipuan Lewat Pesan Singkat (SMS) oleh Oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

Selanjutnya diterangkan bahwa Untuk Registrasi Ulang saat ini diharuskan Mendaftar dengan Memasukkan No KTP dan No KARTU KELUARGA Sehingga Informasi Setiap Pelanggan yang melakukan pelanggaran UU ITE bisa secepatnya di deteksi.

Cara Untuk Registrasi Ulang itu Sendiri diterangkan dengan Hanya Mengirimkan SMS Ke 4444,dengan Format
                                       REG(spasi)No KTP#No Kartu Keluarga

Masa Tenggang Registrasi ini di berikan sampai batas Bulan Februari 2018,Apabila masih ada yang belum Daftar Ulang Sampai Batas Bulan Februari,mungkin masih ada tenggang waktu tambahan selama 2 Bulan berikutnya,tetapi Kartu Tersebut tidak bisa di Gunakan Untuk SMS dan Panggilan lagi,jadi Harus Registrasi Ke Outlet yang ditentukan.
Demikian disampaikan oleh KEMKOMINFO.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Video Pidato Soekarno Tentang SUPERSEMAR

Sebagai Warga Negara yang Baik ,Kita Seharusnya mengetahui Sejarah Asli ,yaitu sejarah yang Tidak di Bolak-balik Oleh Oknum-oknum yang Lebih Mementingkan Kepentingan Pribadi atau Golongan.
Inilah isi Surat Perintah Sebelah Maret dalam Pidato Presiden RI 1 Ir.Soekarno


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Inilah Setya Novanto Saat Rapat Paripurna PERPPU

Di tengah memanasnya rapat paripurna pengesahan Perppu Ormas, Ketua DPR Setya Novanto sempat tertidur. Pantauan di lokasi, Novanto yang duduk di meja pimpinan tertidur saat anggota fraksi menyampaikan pandangan atau sikap mengenai Perppu Ormas.
Novanto, yang mengenakan jas dan peci hitam, duduk di sebelah Taufik Kurniawan. Tak seperti pimpinan DPR lain, Novanto memasuki ruang rapat paripurna sekitar pukul 12.40 WIB. Padahal, rapat paripurna sendiri dimulai sejak pukul 11.00 WIB. Saat Novanto datang, politikus PDIP Bambang Wuryanto tengah menyampaikan sikap fraksinya soal Perppu Ormas.
Ketum Golkar ini duduk bersama pimpinan DPR lain yaitu Fadli Zon, Fahri Hamzah, Agus Hermanto, dan Taufik Kurniawan.

Ia tertidur selama beberapa kali ketika para anggota sedang menyampaikan sikap. Namun kemudian terbangun, karena suara anggota atau karena seruan para anggota yang tengah menanggapi Perppu Ormas.
Hingga saat ini rapat masih berlangsung dan Novanto juga masih berada di meja pimpinan DPR.
Rapat paripurna siang ini beragendakan pengambilan keputusan soal pengesahan Perppu Ormas. Saat ini, masing-masing fraksi masih membacakan sikap mereka soal Perppu Ormas.
Sekadar diketahui, kebiasaan Novanto yang suka mengantuk ini pernah disampaikan oleh Wakil Ketua DPR Fahri Hamzah. Fahri mengatakan Novanto sering 'ngantukan'.
"Orang itu memang sakit. Pak Novanto itu kelihatan sakitnya itu, suka tidur dia. Berdiri aja ngantuk, apalagi duduk," ujar politikus asal NTB itu di Gedung DPR, Rabu (4/10).
Penyebab Novanto sakit ini, lanjut Fahri, karena penyakit di hidungnya. "Saya dengar dia kan yang ngantuknya itu penyakitnya di hidungnya. Dia mau dioperasi," imbuhnya.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Barus is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia and is well known worldwide. Because in the 6th century AD (AD) this city is known for forest products such as kampar and kemenyan. The name of this city has even emerged in the history of Malay civilization during the Hamzah Fansuri which was a famous mystic poet all over the world at that time. A small town located 75 kilometers (Km) from Sibolga City and 359 Km from Medan City still holds a myriad of ancient mysteries and cemeteries there that might uncover the mystery. However, this mystery became the main attraction for historians and archaeologists both from within the country and abroad.

 The reason, the title of the city is believed to be the first entrance of Islam and Christianity in the archipelago still continue to get controversy and debate from experts historians and archaeologists. Where and who and where Islam was first introduced in this archipelago. Because, historical sites in this old city have not been able to answer all the arguments and hypotheses and theories that have been conveyed and put forward by the historians and archaeologists. Based on the book Nuchbatuddar Addimasqi writing, Barus mentioned the early area of entry of Islam around the 7th century. This is evidenced by the old tomb in the cemetery complex of Mahligai, Barus who was stoned by written Syekh Rukunuddin died in 672 AD or 48 Hijriah, strengthening the existence of Muslim community in this area at that era. While the Council of Churches in Indonesia also believed since the year 645 AD in the area of ​​Barus has entered Christians from the Nestorian sect. The belief is based on an ancient book by Shaikh Abu Salih al-Armini. Meanwhile, the Armenian explorer Mabousahl notes that in the 12th century there has been the Nestorian Church. The latest research, conducted by a team of archaeologists from French Ecole Francaise D'extreme-Orient (EFEO) in collaboration with researchers from the National Archaeological Research Center (PPAN) in Lobu Tua - Barus in 1995 - 1999 associated Barus city of history where the entry of religion Islam first in Indonesia.
 Makam Syeh Mahmud 
 From the results of the research team was proposed that at around the 9th century AD, Barus City has become a multi-ethnic village of various tribes such as Arab, Aceh, India, China, Tamil, Javanese, Batak, Minangkabau, Bugis, Bengkulu, and etc. This is conveyed on the discovery of a number of high quality objects that have been estimated for hundreds of years. This signifies that the life in the Barus was very prosperous. In Barus and beyond, many Islamic traders comprising Arabs, Acehnese, and so on live in affluence.

 They have a good position and considerable influence in society and government (Sriwijaya Buddhist Kingdom). Even then there are also who took power in a number of airports. They are many friendly, also family with kings, dukes, or other Srivijaya rulers. They are often counselors of the king, duke, or local ruler. More and more people are converting to Islam. There was even King, Duke, or local ruler who finally converted to Islam. However, this team can not conclusively conclude, who and from which the first person who brought Islam into the area.

Because of the results of their research on tombstones from the tombs of Islamic broadcasters in the Mahligai Tomb and the High Board in the area, there is only writing of Arabic Calligraphy which explains certain characteristics of China, India and Persia. However, whatever the story, the surrounding area of ​​Barus is the main attraction. Judging from all aspects, this area has enormous potential in addition to having a historical tourist attraction in the form of ancient tombs (Tomb of Mahligai and Papan Tinggi) and Portuguese Fort, also has tourism potential. The maritime tourism sector and other natural beauty is a prima donna owned by Barus.

Tomb of Mahligai located in Aek Dakka Village. This Mahligai tomb is a historic grave of Syeh Rukunuddin and Syeh Usuluddin which signify the entry of Islam first to Indonesia in the VII century AD for example. This cemetery is about 7 meters long decorated by some distinctive and unique tombstones with Arabic inscription, Tarikh 48 H and Tomb of Mahligai is a Religious Tourism Object for Muslims. Then Tomb High Board located in Pananggahan Village, North Barus District.

In the Tomb known as the Tomb of Aulia 44 or also known as Lord Tump is Shaykh Mahmud with six of his followers are buried. The tomb of Sheikh Mahmud is 12 meters long while the tombstone is 2.5 meters tall. To reach these two cemeteries, people still have to spend extra energy on foot because it is in the hills. As well as going to the High Mausoleum, visitors must climb approximately 1,000 stairs to the top. Arriving here the scenery is presented very beautiful, especially to see the town of Barus. This place is crowded by people on weekends or holidays, either by the surrounding community who come to just enjoy the beautiful scenery, or visited by Islamic pilgrims who come from other cities.

The people of Barus Subdistrict, Tapanuli Tengah District (Kabupaten Tapteng) have been pessimistic about the government, especially the central government, which has no desire to build Barus as an old city full of history in Indonesia. It was stated on the lack of infrastructure and infrastructure development including Barus city. Even from the lack of attention to the existence of historical sites in the city of Barus, in addition to not maintained and not well built, the sites - the site of relics there carried away somewhere. In addition, the face of Barus city does not reflect as a tourist area in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) and even Indonesia. Whereas the name of Barus city, has been well promoted to the whole universe (the whole world) through writing (literature) in the book or internet website.


Monday, October 16, 2017

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